Tuesday, May 5, 2009



When you feel you are not on the right road ....you cannot be patient.....and there is really no point in telling you to be so. The wrong road always makes you feel that no matter how fast you travel....you're really going nowhere and you need to abandon it.
Also it is difficult to be patient when you think you are wasting your life and you know that you ought to be doing something else.
When you haven't found yourself.....even a vacation is difficult to enjoy ....for you can't tell the difference between a vacation and the rest of your life.....as nothing is happening in either place.
On the other hand when you know just where you are going......you need do nothing....and still be patient. You can only take time out to enjoy yourself as you know that you are going in the right direction ...when you are ready.
Youngsters are impatient all the time.....running from one party to the next...from one group of friends to another...looking for excitement. When your own life has no meaning of its own is when you look for excitement. Practice patience.
Maybe it is time to start looking for your goal, the right goal ...your destiny. Your impatience is a way of telling yourself that time is running out and that you are wasting your life.

Be patient about everything else....but be impatient about finding your life.
When you find your purpose ....no one will need to tell you to be patient.
a real feelgoodmessage

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