law of attraction MasterMind by Roda Langrana ,
secret of law of attraction MasterMind by Roda Langrana,
There is only one very simple story attached to the Holy Spirit. Ask these 2 questions ... is it pro life ? Do you really feel a sense of something within yourself that allows you to be a living world through your own thoughts ... I was being forced to believe that there was a force within me that wanted me to accept death and destruction as a way of life ... even when I did not accept that every living thing was but a manifestation of the One Spirit. My fight was with the duality of the world ... when it said that it was a necessary appendage to creation. And I fought many am argument within my mind. You see my hand had been strengthened when I had accepted in all innosence the presence of God in my mind as by backbone little realising that we were all gods in any case .. thereby stringing me along to the devil and then beating me with that stick. I learnt to abuse it .. but it did not seem to care one whit and then I began to notice the patterns ... pure goodness as me .. no doubt about that one little bit BUT the minute I stepped out of wisdom of the good thought for I foolishly thought I was there to guide the world and yes I have been doing so for quite a few years now .. the devil mind tried to lead me a merry dance and I am of the opinion that I really do not mind admitting that I hate it with all my might. And why should anyone want to judge me ? It brought them their good. Money is often blamed as the root cause of all problems .. but money is the form of energy of plenty for the world and it is wise to observe your own thinking on the subject .. are you pro it or ante it .. blaming it arbitrarily for all the ills of the world by blaming the rich etc etc. for all the problems of the world rather than the lazy self that does nothing to better its own circumstance.
As the author of MasterMind ... I walked the talk into perfection through my own mind. It is a self talk ... not with the universe as it is being taught in the lAW OF ATTRACTION for then one must cope with the dual nature of the world through words / thoughts. I simply juxtaposed knowledge into its opposite ... the duality of imperfection into perfection and worked with that wisdom.
All the clues to arriving at such conclusions exist in our world ... so it is nothing new but most people prefer to not think about the true nature of things .. so do themselves out of its many gifts for life. If you can see the pearls of wisdom you are bound to experience a life extraordinary and nobody but nobody will be allowed to stand in your way when you teach yourself to control the energy of the world. It is already being done in duality .. bringing a mexed bag of results for the world but when you return to consciousness through yourself ... and each and every one should want to do it when they have this knowledge for their lives ... they will finally have the answers for the world ... that we own the world as the only living gods and when we understand that power in us .. we recreate everything back to its original pristineness to see the world as the true paradise it is ... in a physical form .. not alone through the mind.
On my journey I was often threatened by the unborn spirit or the unmanifested spirit of the future child when I held on to a desire to teach them my MasterMind as the way forward for the future IN EFFORTLESSNESS. I was inundated with death threats / made to shiver in cold simulating my death for the truth is we are created to never have to leave our bodies to die. And that dirty spirit tried to control my breathing but I never let anything bother me and called it the most foul names .. for that was what it was .. and it had to change its ways. In the beginning that got me punished .. but I soon created the written word to warn the world of how the other spirit works and it soon died down.
Just today I was sitting on my patio and being in the state of happiness in myself as I am want to experience through myself ... I was thinking of my experiences in the middle of the night. Tapping on my body and speaking my thoughts in perfection returned me to my own self and free of the illusion of being connected to any other spirit ... for that is not a possibility of a good choice. We have had no supply of water for the last 3 days but I have felt no lack when I simply pictured my tank as full ... not half full .. but full. Remember the glass story. To top it all it began to rain so that my large garden got watered too.
So to get back to this story ... I had manifested myself back to my own perfection and I felt waves of wisdom energy pouring out of me .. like a vibration. Just so effortless when all it requires is but a good thought and sharing my ideas with the world.
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