Showing posts with label DOUBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DOUBT. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011



Real jealousy is definitely one of the most disintegrating elements in the sub-conscious......and it is very very subtle. Despite its subtlety it is an ever increasing poison in our mental system. How the question that will then pop up in your mind ? Let me explain is based on the most primordial feeling of all time...that of FEAR.
It is never an incentive for anything positive. You must see the truth, find release and give up all condemnation, resentment and anger against anyone or any power outside of yourself. Otherwise you cannot go forward into a healthy, happy or creative activity.
At the instant you entertain a God of love in your mind and heart, at the instant you believe that God is a loving Father who watches over you, cares for you, guides you, sustains and strengthens you, this belief about God will be accepted by your sub-conscious and you will find yourself blessed in countless ways.

There is an acid test for forgiveness too. Imagine that you are being given some wonderful news about a person who has wronged you. If you still sizzle at hearing the good news about the person, the roots of your hatred are still in your sub-conscious mind and playing havoc wth you.
When you have truly forgiven someone you may remember the incident but without the pain and hurt that it had caused. This is the true art of forgiveness.
If your thoughts are still negative then the roots of hate are still in your sub-conscious and playing havoc with you. Wish the person all the blessings of life. This is the meaning of  "forgive until seventy times seven".

Any repeated action or thought becomes an automatic habit or part of your sub-conscious which is also referred to as your "second nature."
If we are the creators of our habits - good or bad it stands to reason that any negative or bad thought  or action over a period of time becomes a compulsive bad thought or habit for the law of your sub-conscious is compulsion. When you have a sincere and intense desire to overcome a certain block in your life you will realise that a clear cut decision has to be made to find the way out and you will confidently decide that that is what you wish to do.....celebrate then for victory is assured.

Do you want peace of mind and inner calm - you can have it. When you awaken to your mental and spiritual power - no injustice will make any difference to you.

You now know what you want - peace, harmony, health and happiness and you will look on hate, anger and hostility as thieves (bad thoughts) and not allow them to rob you. 

When you synchronise your thoughts with your aims in life - you will cease to be upset by anything, people, news, events, conditions, etc. etc. Your aim is peace, harmony, health, inspiration and abundance and you will feel the same flow through you. You will have chosen to be blessed and inspired, and you will find your peace.

When you realise that something good always comes out of suffering sometimes and that you do not suffer in vain. However, it is downright foolish to continue to suffer. Realise that the power in your sub-conscious is backing you up. Even though you feel melancholy you will begin to imagine the joy of freedom that is ahead of you. This is the law of substitution. Your imagination caused you to be melancholy ... now let it free you to peace of mind. You suffered a little but it was for a constructive reason. You will bear it stoicly to bring forth a newer you.