Showing posts with label KNOWING GOD AS WITHIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KNOWING GOD AS WITHIN. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2015





as within.

Success is as love to love ... 

Through the self
Seen within ... as an idea,
Showing off the God within.

Sitting still was the motion
I am like god in my now.
Good work is akin to worship
Teaching all through its wisdom.

Flip .. for a beautiful life

Make it yours too ..
By asking ? Just who am I?
This face in the mirror ?

That only checks its hair ?

But sees all inner beauty 
Look deep into your own eyes.
Its a conversation with the self.

You will be amazed to see
The details in eyes 
Like a thin slice of carrot
Nature is life and the creator.

Its through an example.

Make good food your guide
An ability to see the self
As the creator of the self.

Good food for the Mind

Makes a good creator
Wrong choices alas
Give your mind too .. aches.

Shall I name a few

A heartache
Changes your mindscape
Flips you on your back
Its a fire you did not light
An unseen aggressor.

You never expected to find.

It lives in your mind 
Feeds on your fears
A wolf it is but in sheep's 

Change its clothing

The second you find
A sudden warmth when you
Spy a friend.

A kindred spirit OR

A rock like mind !
Are all like icecream
A lick melts it all.

Sweet when you like them

Honey on a tongue
Is not the same .. 
when inside a bee.

But its potential 

Still came from its within. 
To live my new life
Whoa ... all of a sudden.

A eureka moment 

I began to realise
I could also be 
A new physical me!

A positive idea 

Holds all potential
To make your life .. better.
After good that is 
The next step in a ladder.

What else do we want

Nothing else really
Time is of the essence.
A life is to be lived.

Many stories enter the mind
Many reasons to pass the time
As stories come of other minds
I dared to ask ?

Which one did I like for mine!

A good creation
Could be bettered
By giving just that much more.

More energy to make it better

And mankind takes a huge leap
Into a new consciousness
I see myself .. in my new avatar.

Possibilities exist in mind

I think .. therefore .. I am.
All else is redundant
Just see the God within.

Through your virgin mind
As yet unused .. lies a purity wasted.
When you did not know 
You will be forgiven.

But enlightenment has been

Shared with you
And yet you must choose
All that makes you great !

Its in levels we make the grade

Rome was not built in a day
And so it is with you.
2 wolves live in your mind.

Feed the one you love best.

Go free those tentacles
Many are they and they hide
As human rats in the mind.

Having doubled with time
Its now time to cast them aside.
The wisdom of the self
Otherwise will lock you out.

Into eternity .. as non-matter.

A force they call it
Mighty as the rod.
But its result .. is destruction.

All I can honestly say

Through illnesses I suffered
They will always remain
My biggest regrets.

Lessons I learnt through 

Past punishments 
Of a loss of innocence 
Of trust and faith. 

To become the self 
Is a herculean task
When your own mind
Brings its collective mischief.

To sift and sort

Did you know you had to do that?
With the finest toothcomb
Like the eye of a needle ?

Can you then

Eat drink and be merry
All at the same time.
This devil has a name
It is jealousy.

I have seen people snigger

I saw them laugh
They .. I saw God punish
Did I foresee that.

How could I .. 

I walked my path through love
Begging and pleading with all
Banging my ego into nothingness.

To show them true love

Was to share the wisdom of God
Yes I did try very very hard
To make them buy my MasterMind.

Alas an earthly god was I

But I had opened my heart
To hold within .. 
God's beauty through love.

Then you have begun

Your destiny as your higher self
All gifts of life are yours 
For being my MasterMind. 

I must be true to the love within

That gave me a gift so huge
I was duty bound to treasure
Myself as  MasterMind.

That the devil mind

Stops you through such words
Like ... procrastination .. 
Is it considering you as worthy?

From the self withholds wisdom

From the self .. for having listened
To the devil as the procrastinator.

Is it possible that 

You own such a mind ?
Fat .. is hanging onto any past ..
A change only through 

Push and shove, hit and beat

What is where .. I prayed and asked ..  
And why ? and How ? 
Its not in our lazy minds.

The devil's in a fight with mind
Wisdom is not its lot
Any which way is good enough.
Just wants to win its fight.

Hear the Queen of Hearts

Say .. off with his head
In Alice in Wonderland.
Its life lived as Mind .. told as a story.

So what did she mean ?
Which head is she talking of
The one that argues with love !!!!
Kill the old mind to take a new birth.

As a god of Mind

I talked of your bad thoughts
Did you think I meant your body?
You bet I did .. the body
Is your outer manifestation of your mind.

When you are incapable 
Of a righteous thought ..
Yes .. that then is ignorance.
It brings its fruits .. bitter or sweet.

No past .. no future .. 
Its not important .. than the now.
The past is locked up 
And there is no key.

Read in your present

All that you need to be.
The power of the creator is in all
A dormant power did no good.

In  this awareness is true existence

As I was .. I went to beat
The procrastinator.
Called his bluff the pretender.

Was it me .. no not me

We are not one and the same
You know that .. 
Individuals are not clones.

But like minds do think alike

Aah ... how much do you like 
To bend ? Does bend over backwards
Fit the bill ?

Then you just may not see the face

Of the one that gave you a kick,
Who are you and why .. 
When you dare to ask ?

Is to find out for what and why .. 

remaining as your task !
Nothing is ever hidden in God's world
But nothing is shared until you ask.

Its the respect with which

God does treat you right
Ask and you are given
Seek and you must find.

Knock on my door

And you will find it open
I used my key
To show you 
That which was hidden.

Of the me that fought and won
The right to be the One.
To call myself a MasterMind
Wisdom and me became one.