I do not like 'all' old ways of doing things. I like creating new neural pathways for myself that are faster .. smarter .. better by creating new and uncontested DNA SETTINGS for myself for I believe in innovation and not competition. As yet the knowledge of neural pathways linking to your DNA is not understood except as garbled some long scientific term leading one in to the other .. when there is such a simple methodology for any layperson to understand easily .. by so called intelligent men studying in universities .. but understood by me through god in my mind. I now enter the fray of the war between creationists and scientists and settle the issue for the creationists ... sine die. There can be no argument on this .. for god so did create a divide so huge between these 2 camps .. that it is unsurmountable .. the creationists create a future by dealing in the present .. the scientists dig into the past .. a very outdated and slow methodology ... digging up things that their minds do not have the capacity to accept as a re-arranging or re-newing .. only finding a wrong that alas takes lives. And this is very pertinent .. for let explain the philosophy of god which is so powerfully simple that it befuddles man incapable of understanding the philosophy of love .. and that too the one of the self. On their self appointed tasks scientists tend to delve into the micro world of god which literally puts the fear of ... god and his animal kingdom into them .. and as they view the microcosms in fear .. the bad that comes through a focus on it .. comes to take root in their minds .... and as you are constructed to have your thoughts replay themselves in your minds .. this is just what is the dry tinder that can cause a conflagration and burn in the bargain. Pit this idea against the larger animals we see locked up in zoos due to the same fears and now everything begins to make sense to you. You can never love something you fear ... you can admire it for what it is ... but it always carries a frisson of fear. Now here is where choices play a part in upsetting this apple cart or allowing it to work for you. I will not deign to explain the first .. use your imagination .. but the positive that you need to grapple with is ... when god the creator created the world .. he did not create anything that could work against himself ... the One who would inhabit the world. How and why this has come to pass is not yet clear to me .. but as non-duality I understand that everything in this world simply works for god in sheer love of the creator who gave it life. It will not harm .. until you think it will .. alas then it will .. for all life bows to god to do their bidding. Understand the power of this knowledge ... it is superlatively elegant .. a thought par excellence and to put it in perspective shows up the scientists in very pure light. I could use some animalistic terms to describe them .. but then I have decided not to stoop low to consquer that which I understand of myself through the beauty of the eyes of the creator. I understand everything through mind and I mostly use flashes of half stifled thoughts to think what I want to not put bad or dirty words too.
I could never imagine that my teeny tiny book of 124 pages .. MasterMind ... could show me the entire picture of the world through mind. In as much as I have desired for the self for I really don't want to know everything.
But life can exist as "I AM " for as many years as it wants to or in simple terms live as many years as it wants with all its faculties intact. Physics tells that in every 4 years every cell in our body is renewed so at 60 I am really only 15 years old. All my senses are in their peak.
The rules I rewrote for myself by being the first then became game changers of their own accord. ..... ... Roda .. MasterMind
Learning about how your DNA stores knowledge for your own life is a must lesson. If you follow the scientists ... everything is old hat before you learn it. For they are still digging and delving into the past .. whereas newer and newer technology can only be seen in the present and stored for the future by changing the past settings for your life. This is why there is a serious mismatch of the intelligence levels in the world as at present. This is why we see most of the people are so clueless about themselves and carrying that same old outdated blueprint around for years together .. its as if life and consciousness passed them by .. or time has stood still .. caught in the vortex of learning from the past .. they call themselves oldfashioned .. a definition I too adopted for the time I lived in ignorance .. but not any more ... rather a creation from out of mind of a better and better everything pushing the world forward. They must then perforce exist on a lower plane.
Buy MasterMind ... newer ways of living are now here to stay ... don't be left out ... for your life. MasterMind is not "what you see .. is what you get " there is more simmering below the words you read ... get to the bottom of them.
I could never imagine that my teeny tiny book of 124 pages .. MasterMind ... could show me the entire picture of the world through mind. In as much as I have desired for the self for I really don't want to know everything.
But life can exist as "I AM " for as many years as it wants to or in simple terms live as many years as it wants with all its faculties intact. Physics tells that in every 4 years every cell in our body is renewed so at 60 I am really only 15 years old. All my senses are in their peak.
The rules I rewrote for myself by being the first then became game changers of their own accord. ..... ... Roda .. MasterMind
Learning about how your DNA stores knowledge for your own life is a must lesson. If you follow the scientists ... everything is old hat before you learn it. For they are still digging and delving into the past .. whereas newer and newer technology can only be seen in the present and stored for the future by changing the past settings for your life. This is why there is a serious mismatch of the intelligence levels in the world as at present. This is why we see most of the people are so clueless about themselves and carrying that same old outdated blueprint around for years together .. its as if life and consciousness passed them by .. or time has stood still .. caught in the vortex of learning from the past .. they call themselves oldfashioned .. a definition I too adopted for the time I lived in ignorance .. but not any more ... rather a creation from out of mind of a better and better everything pushing the world forward. They must then perforce exist on a lower plane.
Buy MasterMind ... newer ways of living are now here to stay ... don't be left out ... for your life. MasterMind is not "what you see .. is what you get " there is more simmering below the words you read ... get to the bottom of them.