Its alright to let the memory of old feelings have their way with you; don't fight them and permit the intrusion without any regrets. A rebuke or betrayal, or a hurt that cut deeply and left you wounded ..... or a sadness of a lost love makes you pause when it returns. Its alright to measure the depth of the hurt but from the safe distance that time provides. Your resentment will be less because you know the hurt is in the past. Its important not to push the painful feeling or memory away.....let it through without resisting it and it will pass. If you try to push it will build.....seeking the expression it needs to relieve the old pressure. For that is the way of old pain......pressing to the surface till it fades. Old pain comes in waves. But....can you stop that wave ?
Yes ! by riding the reappearance of your old emotions but not trying to hold them back. You'll then save your energy, gain faith in yourself and your strength to be whole again and make your day. In acknowledging all that the old hurt meant , the hurt is diminished and so is the likelihood of its return...........returning your moment back to you.