Tuesday, November 4, 2014


law of attraction mastermindbyrodalangrana,                            

secret of law of attraction mastermindbyrodalangrana,                    tuberoses


What was my first gift from MasterMind ?  Obviously it had to be something of immense value ... something difficult to get by itself. 

Well when I tell you that when I received this gift I was full of stress ... I would have breathing spasms because I had read this was what caused my heavy bouts of coughing. Why would I cough such a lot .. because my mother did. So why did that make me want to. 

At that time I did not have the answers I now own and can explain by just rattling them off.   I would learn with mind but it is I who would push me and push me and I would at first repeat what I understood through my life ... again and again and I would sometimes hate the repetitiveness of the work as tedious but I had a desire to teach the world and would keep using God's name and God must have thought .. here is one more nut case all woken up to her true potential so we better keep an eye on her and see what she shares in the name of God.

So to get back to the subject .. all of that coughing stopped as if my magic ... true but more because I kept telling myself .. Roda .. you have no cough .. your cough has now gone away for good. Now that was not strictly true but it broke the control to bother me by showing me an angle of myself .. I would speak like a mother .. to me the child .. and thus pushed it into my past. I walked out of all the illnesses I had regularly earlier.  To my cold .. I would address it as a living thing and tell it ... go away .. you are no friend .. so why should I welcome you .. a friend brings gifts and you haven't brought me any ever. I don't like you .. so I won't invite you in. You're not a friend.

Just look at the way I had learnt to communicate with myself .. true effortless ease. I can state in truth that it is now 3 years since I had my last cold and cough. Bye bye is what I have been able to tell them. 

So let me explain myself ... everything but everything begins when we feel an uneven breathing pattern ... gulping air is what is called stress. This is caused by fears holed up somewhere in our thinking patterns and can get activated in minutes by something pulling on your mental triggers. This is called stress.  

I received my freedom from this as my first gift. I now think of myself as an iceberg .. for I do not feel as others do. Most ladies are prone to cold calves and feet when they sleep at night especially in airconditioning. Earlier I had to keep priming my mind .. no Roda .. you are not feeling cold and a wave of warmth would wash over me. Now even if I am wearing anything sleeveless at this time of the year like I did yesterday .. I just order my mind .. feel warm .. its not cold .. and I feel the warmth filling my whole body. I wonder how many can do this for themselves from out of mind. I don't think even 1% of the world can think like me .. so there .. I can place myself as a teacher for teachers all over the world. Its no more that I own the bragging rights for all of this .. I am self taught ... and I have proved everything by action .. the doing which is the final proof of everything written. I have never worried about copyright laws and that others will steal my ideas ... go ahead and use this knowledge as freely as you want.  If it helps you in your everyday life .. I know I have not failed myself in my desire to be a teacher par excellence.

And on hindsight I realised why .. now whatever came before me as a subject I could master .. would naturally hold their fears as potential hazards for me too ... but because I had been taught to be free from its effects .. my mind at first accepting sine die that it held no fear for me ... and then I now do not need to utter such reassurances to myself.  I learnt to turn my back first by denying the problem its very existence and then I learnt to face it squarely ... I am the master giving the orders ... I can and do give myself certain airs for when I see the enormity of the tasks I do daily .. learning and teaching the world the value of their life while most of the people who will receive these gifts from me are busy out wining and dining and enjoying themselves.  And the irony .. I do love the good life too and fight to be free to do all that I want. I am a foodie and love gourmet food ... ordinary food does not excite me much. I love variety of all cuisines and love colour and flavour as important ingredients.


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