Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.
Yes I saw the butterfly of happiness through my work as MasterMind . .. for it compelled me to sit in one place while I worked. But I will expand on this statement with my own understanding of the truths of God ... no matter what is written about a subject we hold the ability to change our thinking to include all good into our own lives ... even if it means flipping that which has already been written in the sands of time .. for a profound way has been shown to us ... the tide then comes in and washes away that which was written .. so that it may be written/rewritten again with a better understanding of life as the centrifugal force that governs all thought. It is life allowing itself to express itself again and again. The past wiped out for it was the journey of another soul in time. Now it is our turn.
Have you taken the necessary action to begin to see yourself as a vibrationary creature ... capable of understanding your role as a creative consciousness .. only the living can be that. The past is stuck in a time frame that cannot control any changes. It is full of rubbish which is keeping on regurgitating itself. Seek to be better than that ... to create a better future for yourself and your children who are yet to come. Together they constitute the future .. but beginnings are only in the present ... though it may well belong to the future. This in a nutshell is called the Law of Attraction ... an ability to attract by creating a desire in the present mind for a better present / future.

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